Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Political Ads

These are getting really vicious.  I watched one last night by the O'Malley camp, aimed at Bob Erlich - accusing him of things not germane to being a governor.

He stands accused of making money by working for a lobbying firm.  He's a lawyer; that's what they do, and there is no dishonor inherent in doing this. Were O'Malley not the governor, he's a lawyer too and lawyers need to make money - does anyone have any doubt that he'd take the opportunity that offered him the most?

An issue is made of how much Erlich is alleged to have made - this is nobody's business, and has no relationship to how he would govern - it is a blatant appeal to class warfare. O'Malleys wife is a judge - has anyone aked what she makes?

O'Malley tries to take credit for a reduction in crime - actually the reduction occurred because of excellent police work.  When O'Malley was mayor, he was constantly interfering in the running of the police department - even to the point of putting his own people in office within the department to report to him via a back channel about what was going on.

I don't know what Ehrlich would do - I do know that O'Malley's campaign is getting muddier by the minute, only serving to reinforce my conviction that, in the next election, if it is an incumbent, throw it out!

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