Monday, November 2, 2009

I'm back, and profoundly irritated

Well, it has really been a long time. I've been thinking I had stuff to say, but forgot just where I put the area I had set aside in which to say things - and since I had already lost other blogs, resolved not to start another, but to wait until I found this one, which I did today.

In the coming weeks I expect I'll have a lot to say, not all of it very nice. Some things are giving me a huge case of the redass, and I'm gonna have to talk about it. But not today.

I've been having fun with my home network and with Windows Home Server. I know I don't often have anything to say about Windoze that isn't at least profane, but this product is really pretty nifty, relatively easy to use, and is doing Good Things wherever it is installed.

I've also become more security-oriented, and have resorted to VPN connections for everything outside my own servers.

But right now, I'm headed for bed.

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