Sunday, January 24, 2010

New Rant(s)

I hate working 7 AM to 3 PM.  I hate even worse getting up at 5 AM to be at work at 7 AM.

I think it's prophetic that a democrat did not get Ted Kennedy's seat - not that it was ever his anyhow, although the folks in Massachusetts were probably shielded from that fact.

I think that the Constitution is not subject to alteration except by the means it established, and I surely am tired of the way so-called czars are being appointed to bypass the constitution.  Someone needs to uncerstand what, historically speaking, czars were.

I think Bull Riding is a great sport, although I have no interest whatever in participating.

I think it is a damn shame that courtesy can't be legislated, because if folks would be courteous we'd have a lot fewer dead and damaged people on the highways.

I think it is not the job of the President to dictate to folks what is good for them.

I think that people need to make their own decisions, and take the heat when the decision is wrong - and learn from it.  It's an old axiom that good judgment comes from experience, much of which comes from bad judgment, and that that axion is important to remember.

I think it is getting late, so I'm going to bed.

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