Sunday, July 18, 2010


I've been thinking about all the hooraw about Arizona's law with respect to illegal aliens.

I know how to make sure that there can be no charges of profiling.

Just make sure that everyone who interacts with police at any time are asked for papers.  If everyone has to do it, there can be no discrimination.  I am accustomed to being asked for ID in a traffic stop, and I'm a native-born old fat bearded white guy - no profiling there, although I do ride a motorcycle, so maybe I can make a case for profiling after all?  I guess not - more damn trouble than it is worth.

I think Eric Holder needs replaced with someone who can read who doesn't hate white folks.

But that's just my opinion, folks.  Meanwhile, I applaud Arizona, and regret that I work for a city that can't meet its obligation to its inhabitants but does advertise itself as a Sanctuary City - no damn wonder they can't pay their bills!

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