Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I just when through my SPAM email folder, just to see what was taking up all the space.  My email filters work pretty well, and it gets pretty full pretty fast - I emptied it on Monday and there are already over 1500 messages there.

Probably 70% of those messages are adverts for Viagra, Cialis, and various misspellings of those drugs to get by SPAM filters.  Another 20% are for Adderall and similar amphetamines that are available only on 30-day prescription.  Most of the rest invite me either to a porn site or to get something FREE! FREE! FREE! that I neither want nor need.

In a few weeks I'll be 68.  Porn is not exciting.  I already have ADHD and a doctor that takes care of me - I don't need black-market pills to abuse.  Most of the FREE! stuff I would not use.

But why do I get all these ED ads?  Particularly when my most interesting problem is that I occasionally pee into my slippers?

Monday, February 8, 2010


I've had enough snow.  Where's Global Warming when you need it?

The last time I saw snow up to my knees or above was when I was maybe four years old, and lived off Wilson Point Road near the Martin's plant.

I haven't ever seen such a slow response to streets needing plowed, and have been a bit annoyed by some folks who would have us put the snow only in special places.  I'm old, folks, and if I'm gonna have to throw snow around, I'm not gonna carry it any farther than I have to.  I hear I shouldn't put snow on the street - I don't think the plows ought to negate 5 hours of work on my part by plowing my driveway shut worse than it was before I started clearing it. 

I'll quit throwing it in the street when the plows stop blocking my driveway. 

Last I heard we might get another foot (of snow) tomorrow.  Baltimore City is on liberal leave but essential folks have to report. Yesterday I could not get a car out to the street - this morning I could have, but everything was iced and I could not predict which way it would go after I got it into the street, so it was a no-go for getting in to the office for me.  I took the day off, and was glad that I did.

But when I thought about it, it occurred to me that, had I been essential personnel, I might have got into trouble for failing to report.  Without an all-wheel-drive vehicle, there's no way I could have reported, and I don't own one of those.  Guess I'll have to go and get one if I am deemed essential.

Meanwhile, I guess I'll enjoy the time off - and curse the snow.

Tomorrow, alas, I'll go in to the office, at least until the snow comes again.

Global Warming - gotta love it!