Thursday, October 10, 2013

Wednesday, when I was reminded how old I am....

I recall expressing a hope that not too much pain would accrue to my last misadventure, in which I managed to get a new (to me) motorcycle over once on each side. I ended the day hoping that I wouldn't be in any pain when I awoke.

Well, it worked - partly.  I didn't start to hurt until I got to work - and by the time I left work, I knew that I was hurting - so I went to choir rehearsal, and then came home and really hurt.

Took some Tylenol, logged in at work and started a process that will run almost all night, but will give me a head start on tomorrow and some data I need to get ready for a project. After yesterday I drove the old Volvo to work today, and will do so tomorrow and Friday and hope to have a battery for the Guzzi by Saturday, when I intend to take a ride with the Ramblers.

Meanwhile, life goes on, the politicians in Washington make spoiled 2-year-olds look positively reasonable - and I have to see a doctor Friday morning to be told that I need to lose weight and get more exercise.

I think I'm gonna go to bed - that last wore me out!

I might have to start up Big Suzi tomorrow to feed my motorcycling monkey.

G'nite all.

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