Thursday, March 19, 2009


This is a rant - so those not inclined to read such might as well just give it up.

I don't understand why a person would pass on the right on a ramp after coming from the expressway and not entering, then jam his way back in one car further up. It isn't like that few milliseconds will make a damn bit of difference when he gets there (wherever there happens to be) and it endangers him and those around him.

I don't understnad why it is that when nobody is behind me at all in my lane that someone just has to pass me in the lane next to me only to slide in in front of me where there is not really enough room - making me slow down. Some days I wish for a paintball gun full of yellow paintballs....

It's not legal to shoot at these sorts, or even to make angry gestures - and it doesn't anger me except for the part that threatens my safety - but some of these folks shouldn't be permitted to reproduce (if indeed they can without three helpers....)

I see all sorts in the morning on the way to work. Soon, I'll be seeing them better - I always seem to see better from the saddle of my motorcycle than I do from the chair inside my Volvo cage - something about glass and pillars, I guess - or maybe it's the air rushing by.

Watch Wild Hogs again last night - I needed some laughs, and it supplied some. EVERYONE ought to see it, but not take it too seriously - although the guys do resemble some fellow riders.

Suddenly I don't feel like ranting any more, so that's all there is for this one. I feel a political rant coming on, but dunno if it'll show itself today or not.

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