Thursday, November 5, 2009


Interesting results not far from us. Things to come?

I just heard about the Fort Hood shooting, and have to wonder how it can be determined that it was not an act of terrorism?

All this done by a shrink no less, apparently because of horror stories his family told him, or some such utter rubbish. Ought to send the SOB to Gitmo....

I'm angry. I'm also angry that he'll probably be found to be schizophrenic or somesuch and will never serve a day in durance vile.

I'd better go to bed, before I get really pissed! It was really miserable riding home this evening - I hate it when Daylight Savings goes away, and it is dark when I go out on that roof, find my motorcycle and start it up to go home. I feel so much more tired when it is already dark at go-home time. Tonight was cold, and between rain showers - I didn't get wet, but the streets were snotty and so were the commuters....

G'nite, y'all. Tomorrow will be better.

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