Wednesday, November 27, 2013

It's been pretty quiet around here

so I thought I'd see if I had anything to say.

Of course, I always have something to say - just gotta get it organized a bit.

I had something bad happen at work a little bit back, but it looks like it may be solved after a few days extensive research.  My work desktop PC lost its mind, and with its mind lost a number of other things, including its way to do some automated things.  I moved them elsewhere, but it turned out one event just disappeared - and it took a while to find what it was doing and to get it into shape to be used again. Happily it seems to be on the mend, although some stuff may have to be renewed to get it to behave again.  Never a dull moment....

The weather hasn't been much for motorcycling - I did get a day of commuting in last week or so, but today it is supposed to snow - and when that happens it is too cold and too dangerous even to start a bike, so both of them are covered up in my carport, waiting for the next half-decent day.  Many friends are still riding - but they all have Gerbings electrically heated suits - and as of yet I have yet to see a reason to spend almost a kilobuck on getting outfitted that way, although if I get antsy enough this winter, and it stays cold but not snowy, I just might have to do it.

Commuting is becoming a pain - there are so many thoughtless idiots out there it is a wonder there is not wreckage strewn from heck to breakfast.  I watched four this morning pass over a double yellow at speeds of 30 over the limit, and just bulldoze their way back into where they should have been.  Two of them were talking on phones and one was arguing with a passenger.  It is not comforting to know that Darwin may get these folks - because Darwin might well use me as the immovable object, and I've no desire to be a sacrificial lamb to those who will not learn. Happily, the Guzzi has an air horn - and I am considering adding one to the Volvo.

Speaking of which, I still like the Volvo.  I have not driven anything more comfortable or more stable in a very long time - and it jut starts every day.  The bunwarmers (heated seats) are lovely in this cold weather, and the heater puts out seemingly within 3 minutes. If you need something to drive, you could do worse than an old Volvo - and mileage does not seem to matter all that much - my last one was out at 180,000 when I got rid of it, this one I bought at 128,000 and it uses no oil or anything - at least not any more - it did get me pretty good (close to a kilobuck) with a radiator leak, but everything I have ever had that I kept for anything over about 100,000 did that.

If there's anyone out there needing PC parts, cables, controllers, please leave a note - I have a load of stuff scattered around the basement that has to go, and I'd rather give it away than throw it away.  Motherboards, too - at least half a dozen or so, some with memory even.... I've been building and salvaging for the last 20 or so years, and have accumulated a bunch of parts, mostly not the most current state of the art, but still usable for folks eking out the lat years of a PC.  Let me know what you need, or even what someone you know needs, and I'll look and get back to you.

The Obamacare fiasco is one I don't feel like addressing right now - it just makes me angrier when I think about it.  When you consider that the software was written by a Canadian firm after failing in a spectacular way to get Canada's long gun registration even functional, then consider that the firm is connected to a friend of Michelle - THEN consider that the back end is not yet even written, well, if you do not wonder if there's something crooked afoot, try to keep your old insurance plan....  One size never fits all - anyone who wears clothes can tell you that.

Oops - I said I wasn't gonna talk about it.  Shutting up....

I guess everyone knows I was in Las Vegas a few weeks back for a family wedding - and I found Las Vegas to be a really odd place.  It isn't a great place for a fat gimp who an't drink and doesn't gamble, that much I can tell you - and everything is just so damn big that you can't get anywhere without walking at least 20 minutes - and that walk (if it is inside) will be longer than it needs to be because you'll have to walk around several thousand slot machines, all bleeping and booping at you.  The wedding was nice, the food in Las Vegas is exceptional - but the hotel cost too much for what it delivered, and they hammer you for internet access.  I ended up plugging my phone into a charger and using the HotSpot app to let my laptop and tablet talk to the internet.  I'm sure glad I have a grandfathered plan that has no data limit....

On another topic, my middle daughter is married - something that was a long time coming. The circumstances are convoluted, but from where I sit it all looks positive.  Her husband is a welcome addition to our familial circus, and we look forward to having them around for a long time. Now if my wandering son were only a little closer to us geographically - but he's in Texas, somewhere around Dallas, and has opened up a new enterprise that is interesting.  If you are curious, a visit to Jamie's Place will show you what he's up to, and may even give you a gift idea or two.


I got interrupted by life - it is now a day later than when I started this.  The weather is crappy, this is the last workday this week (followed by gluttony as Thanksgiving is tomorrow) and no hope for motorcycle weather any time soon.

So I think I'll just hang up here - there will be more as time permits and as things that bug me come to light.  Meanwhile, have a really good holiday or holidays, whichever you observe, be kind to one another, think positive thoughts and remember that you are truly unique - just like everybody else.

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