Friday, December 13, 2013


Today is Friday the 13th.

I probably should not even start writing anything, because Friday the 13th actually came on Friday this month, and that's always worse than the months when it comes on Wednesday or Tuesday.

For anyone old enough to remember Pogo, well, you'll have an idea where that got started.

I finally got permission to move back down to the fourth floor at work.  The move will be a major PITA - but it will be kinda nice to get back to a place where everyone who comes through the door does not have to walk past me and look over my shoulder before doing anything else.

It'll also be nice to move my speakers downstairs where I can play the music LOUD if I want to.

I have not been sleeping enough, and it has been too cold to go motorcycling.  I love the Volvo, but there is something about December that brings out all the folk whose heads seem to explode the minute they put a key into the ignition lock and start the car.  I promise I'm not gonna start a traffic rant - but commuting is suddenly a trip into hell every morning.

But it could be worse - I could be riding many buses to get to work, and taking at least twice as long as it takes to drive there.  So I am going to shut up about that lest I get T-boned and have to resort to the train and the bus....

And before anyone asks, I'm not ready for the holidays - there's still more money I have to spend.  But I'm working on it in my spare time.

Anyone who knows me knows I like to read.  I discovered BookBub which is a web site that takes your email address and daily sends a list of inexpensive (and usually FREE) e-books.  I have amassed quite a collection that will take years to read, but I am enjoying rereading many things I haven't read for years and have not been able to find.  Amazon has some real treasures (and daily Kindle ebook giveaways) available that are worth a look.  I don't have a Kindle - but my Android Phone, Android tablet(s) and windows computers have kindle apps - and Google's Chrome browser has a Kindle plug-in that connects seamlessly with Amazon's Kindle cloud.

I've talked about the Kindle readers before, so I won't bore anyone now - if someone wants more info, leave me a note with an email address and I'll gather all the mutterings up and send them to you as links.

I got Phyllis a new toy - a Keurig coffee maker - and it was worth every penny it cost.  It is a complex device, but it makes great coffee and while the per-cup cost may be a little higher than what we were doing before, the svings comes in the form of cups of coffee that we just throw away.  I'm not seeing all that much benefit since I am supposed to be off coffee, at least until I get scoped again for the doctor to look and see if I still have ulcers, but of course I will do what I will do - and damn it makes great coffee!  If I am ever allowed to drink coffee again, I may have to get one for the office!

Tomorrow and one day this weekend I'll be moving, and it will be a hell of a job, but it will be nice when it is done.  Some computers will come with me, as well as lots of books and miscellaneous stuff that has accumulated over the years - and my supply of small parts, screwdrivers and sockets, pocket knives, hammers, cables and various USB gadgets.  Kinda makes me wanna just go back to bed, but it has to be done.

I almost forgot - I finally have collected all of Greywolf's Roswell stories.  If you don';t know what that's about, it's OK, but if you do know and want any, I can tell you how to find them. Getting them together was a PITA, but they are all in Google Docs format, and easily available.

I gotta go to bed.  Be well, y'all.

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