Monday, October 27, 2008

Thoughts on Gastric Bypass....

A few years back, I had a gastric bypass (Roux en Y version, for those to whom it may be interesting) done by a very good surgeon. The procedure was done laporoscopically, so I was in and out of the hospital in less than 48 hours, and back to work within a week. The surgery was a success in that I never felt any pain, and never had any of the bad fallout that is typical with such surgery (nausea, etc.) It could be said that I might as well not have had it for all the trouble it did not cause, but It was done, and on several occasions I created situations which disturbed some of the physiological changes, and they let me know about it. Otherwise, I can eat whatever I want whenever I want and as long as I watch quantity (and heed internal pressure) there are no adverse aftereffects.

My postop success has been less than exemplary, and I suspect a lot of that had to do with the fact that no mater what I did there were no ill effects. My plan was to lose just over 200 pounds. After almost three years I still have one hundred to lose.

Those who would consider this, please be advised - a lifestyle alteration goes with it, and if your entire household is not committed to helping you, you will likely end up a lot like me - still fat and depressed.

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