Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

It's that time of year again.  I wish everyone a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.  In case your particular frame of belief doesn't include a Christmas, I wish youthe very best of whatever holidays and deities you celebrate, with a heartfelt wish for improvements in your situation in the coming year.

As usual, I'm not well prepared, but I still have a few hours in which to remedy that.  Tomorrow we all head for my brother's house in Virginia, and we're looking forward to the visit.  We're geographically close, but it seems our lives get so complicated we don't get actually to see one another more than once or twice a year, and now that our kids are grown, it gets even more seldom.

We have late church services this evening, and the Rudolph Grouplet will be singing at the close of the service.  With luck we'll stay awake and all the candle exhaust won't clog our pipes until we are done.  After that, it's head home, where I'll beg to open something and will be denied, then we'll go to sleep until far too early, get up and make a thorough wreck out of the living room, then get dressed and grumble about being late starting out for my brother's house.

Traditions are useful - they keep us grounded.

May your traditions bring you joy, and peace in this season. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey there Mr. Rudolph! Merry Christmas to your whole clan. I found your blog while searching for some stuff from Jamie on the web...and I was captivated by your rants - I hate SUV's too, at least, I surely hate em in the hands of jerks. Wishing all the best to you and the rest of the gang for a happy and healthy New Year!


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