Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Back to work!

This is the first day I have been to work since July 24.  It seems like a year.  During the period of down time I probably worked more at home than I usually do at work, just to stay sane.

This enforced hiatus has taught me more than a couple things:

  1. Daytime TeeVee really sucks - and even with NetFlix and internet onnectivity, there are only so many hours that one can stand to watch without becoming a little crazy.
  2. Perforating ulcers are no fun, particularly when they, without warning, perforate.
  3. We have some good hospitals around here - but being home is still better.
  4. Liquid diets are no fun.
  5. Pureed diets are even less fun (glass of pizza anyone?)
  6. Soft food diets can be disgusting.
  7. Laporoscopic surgery is the best possible way to have things in your belly examined - if they need examined. Better is not to need anything looked at that closely.
Leading up to the hiatus, I was reminded that if a motorcycle is falling over and you are on it, get out of the way!  If you don't do that, you could get your leg broken - which is where this all started on July 24th.

It was good to get back to work.  I did not get as much done as I might have wished, but I got something done, got what I needed for several other somethings, and was pleased at the end of the day.

Now I can go back tomorrow and be truly productive.

Work is good.

Now I have to find another motorcycle that is a couple hundred pounds lighter than Big Suzi....

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