Saturday, September 7, 2013


I've been thinking about Syria lately, and wondering what kind of a shitstorm we're getting into this time.

I understand that the use of chemical weapons is not a nice thing.  I also understand that this is not the first time.  Further, I believe that it is not certain whether there actually was an attack, or some numbskull on one side or the other just mishandled the stuff and it went off.

However, I do know this - in Syria they are fighting a civil war, which means Syrians are fighting Syrians. Since they look alike, I don't know how to tell who is on what side, or even whether there are only two sides, or even what they are fighting about (although I am sure someone doesn't like someone else is at the core of it.)

So let's think about it.  Syria has Syrians fighting Syrians.  No interlopers, no outsiders - just the folks that would be there anyhow.

The Current Occupant of the place called the White House thinks that the Syrians should be taught a lesson to reinforce that the use of chemical weapons is Not Nice. He thinks we should throw some ordnance at them, probably a couple of cruise missiles. Now, as far as I know, a cruise missile cannot tell a Syrian from a Syrian - come to think of it, neither can I.  How are we to tell these cruise missiles which Syrians it should spank and which it should not?

Interestingly, most of our European allies are not at all interested in helping us in this foolishness, with the exception of France.  That alone should make one wonder - nothing all that great has come from France in many years, and they are busily ceding much of France to Shariah Law - maybe they need to distract their folks from that, just as our current Occupant would distract us from Benghazi.

In any event, I can see nothing good coming out of our indiscriminate bombing of Syrians when we've no means to tell if the bombs will be falling on the Syrians we do not like or on the Syrians we do like. I have to believe that bombing the hell out of the folks we do like will not leave them kindly disposed to us, and will give the folks we don't like more reason to not like us.

Sounds to me like a no-win. The Current Occupant assures us none of our people will have to actually Go Into Syria - but if we do not have boots on the ground there, how will we tell the effectiveness of those expensive cruise missiles?

I think we ought to let Allah sort it out, and when it get quiet in Syria again, see who won (it will be the Syrians of course) then make nice ((or not)) with the folks who appear to have come out on top, knowing full well that, at least in appearance, they won't look a damn bit different from those who came out on the bottom.

I would still like to know how to tell a Syrian we like from one whom we do not like.  Anyone out there have any ideas?

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