Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thursday Morning

It's a lot like almost any other morning.  I woke up 15 minutes before the alarm woke me up, did the morning things, and drove to work (where I am right now.)  On the way to work I thought a bit about yesterday.  It was a good day as days go - I got away from work a little late, but got to choir rehearsal on time.

It's nice to be back to choir - I missed it during my period of enforced idleness.  I know I'm feeling beter because I feel like doing some solo work again.  I still don't do steps well, or long walks, but things are improving, slowly but surely.

Also, I started the motorcycle last night to ride it to choir rehearsal - and this weekend the Ramblers are having an Open House at the clubhouse, which I plan to attend and probably hang out for most of the day.  Should be interesting to see who shows up and if we can harvest a few new members.  I cannot usually get to meetings during the school year - a conflict between choir rehearsal and motorcycle club meetings will usually be won by choir, particularly because I sleep with the choir director, and she has Certain Expectations.  I guess I should note that I've been married to the very same choir director for nearly 46 years, so it is all good - no secrets here.

I'm still shopping for motorcycles.  I missed a very nice Honda PC-800 Pacific Coast, and am still looking at BMW R and K models, as well as the odd Honda ST model and the Moto Guzzi's that are around.  I need to have some work done on Big Suzi, but it will probably wait a couple more weeks.... Never enough time, and too much to get done.

The Big Server is eating yet another 4 TB hard drive - that is a total of 3 Seagate 4 TB drives gone south within a couple of months of installation.  I have drives 20 years old that still work, so I have to say that anything over 2 TB is really shaky right now - maybe in another year, but to date I have bought far too many of the big guys - might have to consider going back to the Old Faithful WD 2TB drives.

Right now, however, I have to get back to work on Off The Street and On The Street processing.

Have a great Thursday, y'all....

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