Monday, September 9, 2013

Well, it's a new day - with some new rules.

I am allowed to go back to work.   Never thought I'd celebrate the removal of idleness, but enforced idleness isn't anything like chosen idleness.

I can also take off the hated grey boot, unless I think I need to wear it, and leave the walker in the back of the car unless something tells me I need it.

I don't know, but fatigue could trigger either one, I guess, so I'll keep both close by, along with a pair of shorts since I can't fit the damned boot under any trousers or jeans I own....

I may start the motorcycle by the weekend.

I may also replace it with something about 25% lighter in a BMW, if I can find the right one.

I'm still restricted as to diet, for at least another 4 weeks, and still supposed to take it easy.

I guess the best part is I'm still alive, not exactly kicking, but still mobile.

Getting old sucks, but not as much as being dead.  Happily I didn't get to dead on this round of adventure.

Be well.

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