Monday, September 16, 2013

Monday Mornng

It's Monday Morning, 8:00 AM.

There are two lab slips out on the kitchen table, waiting for me.

I have to go into a lab this morning and bleed - for two doctors, not just one.  Results of each lab to two doctors, not one, and not the same pair for each lab.  I am assured that it will take between 11 and 13 vials for each slip, which means that I will be more than a little anemic when lab tech finishes.

If I am very lucky, she'll get a vein with the first stick (this almost never happens.)  If it is a typical Monday that comes on Monday, they'll have to try both arms before they get any blood, and probably will end up going into the back of my hand in order to get me to bleed enough to be useful.

I Just love lab days.

When they are finished, I can come home and get some breakfast, some meds, and maybe some coffee.

What a way to start a week!

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