Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tuesday Evening

It was a good day at work today - I got some stuff done, some stuff cleaned up, and had a chance to visit with the new boss before leaving.  I also got to test some stuff with my Android phone and tablet, and helpful.  I am looking forward to doing Exciting Things with these tiny devices.

The best part, however, came after the impromptu meeting - I joined a small group at a local saloon for conversation and something to eat.  It is a rather special group - all the folks there speak German of one sort or another, some better than others - but it was a chance to see how much I could remember, and to recall how much fun it could be to sit around a table and just talk about this 'n' that without having to prove anything to anyone.

I had been to one other meeting about nine weeks back - then I broke my leg and developed a hold in my alimentary canal somewhere, and was off the street for a while, so instead of meeting them all again in two weeks it was more like two months - but it was good to see familiar faces and to hear familiar accents - and to meet someone new.

It's an interesting group - the first meeting I attended I was not the oldest; this one I was, and the youngest were probably early 30's or so.  A good time was had by all and a lot of time was spent discussing the biggest train layout in the world, the Miniatur Wonderland in Hamburg, Germany.  They have a web site with video clips of the various parts in operation - and it is worth the time to visit and view the operation.

I guess I don't have a bunch more - it was a good day at work, a pleasant evening among friends, and I'm pretty tired.

Tomorrow brings new opportunities to excel at work and to do Interesting Things for Cops.

Tomorrow I will find out if I am the proud new owner of a Honda PC-800 Pacific Coast motorcycle.  I have wanted one for a while, it is a good commuter, and probably as much as 300 pounds lighter than Big Suzi - and right now, Lighter is a Good Thing.  It should also be a lot cheaper to feed.

If that sale doesn't go, I'm still looking for a BMW Twin....

I have had enough fun for today - y'all have a good evening.

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