Monday, November 24, 2008

Monday Evening

I thougnt I learned years ago never to change anything in the last hour of the workday - but I was doing so well at bringing some stuff together and making it work better.

That is, I was doing so well until I broke it.

I didn't want to stay late, and here it is already an hour past leaving time - and only the first two spawns do what they should, then the damned thing just goes to end and doesn't tell me why - and I have code in there that ought to force it to tell me why.

I hate it when I outsmart myself.  

If it ain't broke, don't fix it!  How many times have I told everyone else that, you ask?  Many times, and here I just spatzed myself. Luckily, I can just shut this down and let it wait until tomorrow, so I don't have to stay much later and I can get outta here.

But it sure is irritating that I did it yet again. I'm looking at the code that fails first and the code that works and they look the same. Probably I've just discovered some unwritten rule about programming in Clarion that makes what I am doing legal if you do it twice, but not if you do it three times. At this point, I dunno - but I'm gonna close up shop and go home - WinAmp radio has even quit working - which is something I want to talk about another time.

It'll be interesting to see just how long it takes to find it tomorrow morning.  For tonight, I give up!

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