Saturday, November 1, 2008

Thoughts on Halloween

Well, Halloween has come and gone again.

We did not get pranked or egged - for which we are thankful.

Nobody messed with my motorcycles - also good.

We went through what seems like a year's supply of chocolate of various sorts, dispensed to kids varying from barely walking through what looked like early twenties, although my kids informed me that most of those, at least the girls, were only 12-15 or so.... I guess my age is showing some, but when I was 12 or 15 they never looked that good.

There were some really freaky costumes, too - more folks are growing their own than in previous years. But there were no cowboys, no cowgirls - lots of power rangers and what I guess were characters out of some anime TV show. There was one particularly good bad biker - but that kid's dad is biker, so I guess it was proper and natural.

There were a coupe of ids that arrived with "Trick or Treat - or else" and they waited until last to get rewarded. Lots of smaller kids in the company of parents - I was glad to see that, as there have been years when some kids have come unescorted who, at least in my opinion should not have been out unescorted.

But the kids were cute, mostly polite, and there are still goodies left over for this old fat guy to nosh on . Life is good.

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