Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sunday, part one

Well, I started out to do a leaf run, which consists mostly of riding a motorcycle where the leaves are colorful and looking at the leaves, interspersed with stopping somewhere for lunch, a drink or something by way of a snack.

Before leaving, I opened up this laptop to look at the mail, and turned on the TeeVee - and discovered that there is a HD channel that devotes Sundays to concerts - and that the one coming next was The Moody Blues at the Greek Theater, one which I had not seen - so the leaf run got delayed in favor of watching a concert by a couple of guys with more grey hair than I have, assisted by several other musicians, playing & singing nostalgia-inducing music from a while back. Some of the memories are sweet, some are poignant - but Justin Hayward and John Lodge still have it.

Of course, if you hate The Moody Blues (or don't know who they are/were) then I guess this will induce a little nausea - but it was worth the detour to watch old pros doing what they do so well.

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