Monday, November 3, 2008

Regarding the first post wherein ignorant people are mentioned....

Finally I found out who vandalized my motorcycle. It was the owner of that large white BMW that I had blocked in, having been instructed by Building Security to do so.

I have it on video - bless surveillance cameras.

The guy claimed he could not have hurt anything by doing what he did, then complained at me for leaning my motorcycle on his car, scratching the bumper. Apparently he expected me to offer to soothe his pain before he got stuck with my bill - probably making his high enough that it would be a wash.

I was already not happy, and his attempt to push me made me less happy. He's on medical leave and will be back eventually, at which time we'll talk about it - he thinks. What actually will happen is that my comprehensive claim, having been files, will take care of my motorcycle, and my complaint about malicious destruction of property, complete with video of the destroyer wreaking his destruction will go to Internal Affairs.

I know how his bumper got scratched - in the process of muscling my motorcycle away from his bumper, he scratched it himself. Generally it isn't my style simply to scratch something - had I wanted to make a statement I'd've parked the motorcycle on his hood.

I'm still pretty irritated about it, since right now a lot of my money is going to get things fixed, I spent a day last week just tending to this jerk's messes, and he appears to think that his ownership of an $85,000 automobile, his position as a homicide cop, and his 25 years of longevity with the department give him permission to destroy others' property out of ignorance and try to foist the responsibility off on others. I think that the IID investigation is going to do some damage to his career, but that is no longer his problem - his recalcitrance left me no option but to let the report go and have him charged with a crime.

Damn shame it came to that - but there it is.

Happy Monday - don't forget to vote.

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