Monday, November 17, 2008

Weekend Thoughts

It was a nice weekend. Except for the rain, that is.

I had a lot of stuff I was going to get done this weekend. I don't remember what most of it was - and the stuff I do remember didn't get done. But weekends come around pretty regularly.

As I recall it, Saturday was to have been a motorcycle day - or at least enough of one that I'd get the Kwacker up to Jack for the installation of its new column lock. That didn't happen - I don't care for riding in the rain in the summer - and it was only 47 out yesterday. I think most of Saturday went to catching up on FanFic reading (about which more in another diatribe) and working on making this new laptop into what I think I want it to be. It seems to me I did some other stuff, but not much. I tend to nap a lot on weekends - I don't know if it is age-related, depression-related, or blood sugar related - but it doesn't bother me enough to want to find out.

I also did some work on unloading the DVR by watching some stuff I had recorded.

EVERYONE needs a DVR - if you have one, you can watch any show in just over 2/3 of the time it would normally take because you can quick-skip the commercials. That means I can watch three episodes of Eureka in the time it took to record two. Unfortunately, HD TV takes a LOT of space, and the DVR storage just is not enough to this point. There are drives big enough to do it, but the vendors won't let us into the box to replace its 100 gig drive with one of 1000 gig or so.

Sunday I made music in the morning, and visited with my youngest daughter and youngest grandson for a while in the afternoon, making myself useful by building a fire in her living room (in a wood stove, of course.) I also amused Sammy for a while, played with the cat a while, touched not one book, TeeVee or computer all that time.

Then we went home, and as I recall it I watched the drag racing at Pomona and slept intermittently, even through CSI:Miami, which usually doesn't put me to sleep. Before I knew it, it was Monday Morning, time to get myself up, get the other grandson up, make coffee, read the paper, take Ronnie to school and myself to work. Traffic sucked bigtime this morning - what takes me 25 minutes at night takes just over an hour in the morning sometimes. I'm not going off on a rant about Verkehrsarschloecher (Griesheimer for Anal Sphincters of Traffic) but I will let you fill in your own, because I suspect that everyone who doesn't work at home and has to drive to the office has their share of rants.

The first thing I learned after my arrival was that some work that had taken me a couple of weeks a year back was going into the dumper because someone decided we didn't need to be quite so nice to our client base, and we could get by making them use other processes that are more arcane and less intuitive to get the data I was spoonfeeding them. I guess I don't care - I get paid to do this stuff, but I kinda like it when it gets used.

The rant about outside data is postponed - right this minute it is entirely too profane to be posted here. Laer, when it gets less profane and more germane i'll get into the Uses and Misuses of Data ias it relates to people who save data without knowing that somewhere that has to be a unique identifier.... It's like a mailing list for all your friends filed under "Friends" without any distinction between the various names - like they were interchangeable parts. I guess there are probably folks that operate that way, but it gives me a headache and makes my eyes bleed.

I gotta go back to work. Have a good balance of the day, all of you.

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