Sunday, November 2, 2008

Time Changes

I wonder what the justification for Daylight Savings Time is nowadays? This year in particular caused all manner of perturbations among those of us that live in a world that has 24-hour days.

I did everything I thought I needed to do before 1 AM this morning and then called Operations where I work and gave the on-duty operator instructions to go through a short process that would get all the mainframe computer clocks where they needed to be.

About an hour later the phone rang - the process did not work as I had planned, so I had to get clothes on, start my car and go downtown and put in an appearance. When I got there, I found two problems, one of which was mine, so I fixed mine and after a few false starts (three to be precise) everything came back up and I headed for home, arriving around 4 AM.

Of course I had to get up within 5 hours to get to church (married to a choir director....) so I am a bit fuzzy around the edges right now. But it would be les problematic if we could make these clock changes during the day - and even less likely to be problematic to go to DST one year and just leave it there.

Anyone out there with me - just leave it all at DST??

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